It's time to assign your first lesson in Elephango! Follow the steps below for effortless assignment:

Once a lesson is identified, you can assign the lesson by clicking on the orange Assign button, located under the lesson image.

This will open a pop-up window allowing you to include an instruction with the assignment, a release date, and a due date.


  • Notes can include any instruction or message you would like to give individual students or a whole group. Notes are limited to 320 characters. You can include paragraph breaks if necessary. These notes show up in students' Study List.
  • The Release Date is the date you would like the lesson to appear to students. This is a great feature if you are planning a lesson ahead of time but do not want it to actually be assigned until later.
  • The Due Date is when you want the lesson to be due. Due dates will show up alongside the lesson in students' Study List.

Assigning to Individual Students

To assign a lesson to an individual student or multiple students outside of a group, click Select Students. This is a great option if some students in your class need extra help but you do not want to assign to the whole class.

Check the box next to the name of the student to whom you would like to assign the lesson, or search for the student using the search bar. 

You can filter this list by group to narrow it down:

To assign the lesson, click Add Students.

Assigning to a Group

To assign to a group, click Add to Group. 

Select your student groups from the dropdown by checking the box next to each group to which you would like to assign the lesson. Finally, click Add Groups to assign.