Badges are one of the ways that we motivate students to stay engaged and on track with their work while infusing learning with a little fun. As students progress through lessons in a specific subject, they earn badges and other rewards based upon how much work they complete. We've found that having something to work toward keeps students interested in their schoolwork.
Badges are meant to encourage students to examine related topics. A badge contains multiple lessons that promote broad learning on a subject. badges can consist of one or more series, individual lessons, lessons taken from a series, or any combination thereof. An example would be a Solar System badge that contains the Sun series and the Planets of the Solar System series.
To earn a badge, students must complete all the lessons that make up that badge. Only students can earn badges.
It's also a great way for you to track student progress and identify students' interests. Are your students completing all the fine arts lessons? Are they engaging with science or math the most? Are they mastering the material? Educators can go into each student's profile and see which badges they have earned. With Elephango badges, it's easy to see how quickly students completed their work, how much of it was correct, and what needs to be further worked on.
To view available badges, click on the "Badges" tab at the top of the page. To see which badges a student has completed, click "Educator Manager" at the top of the page, and then click "Students" on the left-hand side. Click the "View Achievements" icon for the desired student to see their list of achievements.